Have faith, have hope .....serve others on the way.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A great spring break 2012

Wow! Can’t believe we are in April already, well what we did for spring break? Went to National Cherry Blossom Festival in DC had a great time! Kids really enjoyed walking and smelling the beautiful trees.

Then we went camping for few days to Elk Neck State Park in Central Maryland. Was quite en adventure, taking the kids by myself but was worthy they had a lot of fun! And we had a great bonding time together, so much that we want to go again! =) The first day we went for a small hiking of 2 miles to a Light House, Built in 1833, this historic lighthouse sits atop a 100-foot high bluff overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. The lighthouse pointed the way to safe waters for nearly 175 years. Many incredible tales unfolded right here under the watchful beacon of the Turkey Point Lighthouse: stories of heroism, daunting challenges, and even tragedy. This lighthouse has been part of Chesapeake Bay history for generations, safeguarding people who have lived, worked, and traveled here. Was a very easy hiking that the kids did it! Then we went to check up the beach and play at a great park, the”tire Park” kids really love this parks. After, we went back to our little cabin and had a great campfire the kids are great helpers finding wood and love to cook marshmallows too!

The next day, we went to the beach it was a perfect day for it! And the best part is that was not that many people so it was like having our own private beach. After, this we went back to play at the tire park again, and then went to start another campfire and more marshmallows =)

The next day, we went fishing to a beautiful lake in the park, and had lunch in there this time we had pizza for lunch kids were getting tire of having just sandwiches =)

Then, in the afternoon went back to the tire park and watch a beautiful sunset in the beach than came back to our cabin and had our last campfire. We spent hours playing game, was a very special and very relaxing and enjoyable time for everyone! And the kids of course what they love and remember the most are the marshmallows =)

Love the smell...

What a beautiful girl!

Gorgeous girls!!

They want to climb in every tree!

Even sweet Kamillah =)

Kisses to mommi!

The view from our cabin.

Going to the Light House

At the tire park, Jonah loved this game.

So much fun!

Love this picture of Kim, she is so beautiful!

Here is my little monkey again =)

So sweet flowers for mommi.

Kising their little sister.

Just taking their time.

She loves to walk.

so sweet!

kids helped find all of this wood

Silly Kristina started growing a tale...

yumm...she did it!

Good, job!

Going to the beach..just a mile away from our cabin.

So precious!!!

find some clay

Tire park again!!

kristina's pictures so she feels like home =)

So beautiful!!

oh! and  Picture of Jesus Christ

Kamillah want to cook some marshmallows

eating lunch before fising

Was awesome that Kamillah took her nap right on time!

LOVE_LOVE this picture Kamillah trying to feed her baby doll a stick =)

Where is Kamillah?!

Here she is!!

Playing until dark, had a great time!

1 comment:

  1. i love ALL of these pictures. that looks like SO much fun and its so beautiful there. the kids look great, all three girls are gorgeous and kenny is so handsome. i cant wait to see you all in a month!
