Have faith, have hope .....serve others on the way.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Que rapido pasa el tiempo, no puedo creer que ya estemos a mitad del a~o. Pues, este mes hemos estado muy ocupados parese como si fuera ayer cuando empezo, ojala las horas fueran segundos o que el reloj se detuviera y asi descansar mas :) al inicio de este mes empeze a ser una quilt para regalo a mi mama en el dia de las madres, pero no lo termine a tiempo entonces se lo dare en Navidad.

My first quilt, I like sewing but I had never quilted before. It is quite fun!

It is a gift to my mother, she loves Venezia.

I think it looks good.

It is funny when I came home so proud of my quilt my dear husband told me “I thought you were making a big one” well, a big one would have taken me a long time. I finished this one in a couple days.


  1. you are super fast! i love it...where did you get the 'venezia' embroidered on?

  2. Thanks, Jen, are you done with your?, the place I did the embroider is next to the flowers shop in post.
